For general inquiries, call 1 877-564-0008 or [email protected]. Fax PoNS device prescriptions to 1 (215) 754-4903.

Helius Medical is Partnering with Lovell® Government Services to Make PoNS® Available to Veterans with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

PoNS proudly supports our veterans

Helius Medical is partnering with Lovell® to help Veterans living with MS get access to the innovative Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator (PoNS). PoNS is a nonsurgical device that, when paired with physical rehabilitation therapy, improves the walking ability for those with MS.

In Partnership with Lovell

Prevalence of MS in the Veteran Community

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) estimates that
55,000–70,000 Veterans live with MS
in the United States

There has been an
~86% increase in MS cases among Veterans
in the last 15 years, according to the Veterans Affairs Multiple Sclerosis Centers of Excellence

PoNS proudly supports our veterans

PoNS is proud to help Veterans with MS Get Back In Step With Life.

How MS impacts Veterans

When I was first diagnosed with MS I was scared. I was concerned and unsure of my physical and mental well-being, and the impact it would have on my family and friends. I did a lot of soul searching and decided that I was going to fight this disease as best I could.”

MS Symptoms

I was told by my neurologist that I had developed secondary progressive MS… I was and am still afraid of the future. I like very much what my nurse practitioner at the AMC in Washington, DC once said to me, 'Do not let this disease become you.' … [Each person with MS] must do their very best to avoid letting this occur… acknowledge the anger and seek help to deal with it.”

These individuals are not PoNS Therapy® patients or affiliated with Helius Medical.

PoNS Therapy is helping Veterans improve their walking ability.
Just ask Captain Kevin Byrne

After living with MS since 1999, gait difficulties took away my most valued treasure: quality adventures with my 13-year-old daughter. My focused PoNS Therapy helped me improve my walking, and as a result… I experienced freedoms such as increased walking speed, endurance, and distance. As a reward for her support and motivation, Rogue and I will vacation in New York City to walk the streets of Manhattan and enjoy our favorite Broadway musicals! Thank you for the experiences I thought were lost forever.”

Individual results and experiences may vary. Talk to your doctor to see if PoNS is right for you.

Witness Captain Byrne’s progress before and after PoNS Therapy

If you are a Veteran living with MS, contact your VA provider about getting started with PoNS Therapy.

If you are a Healthcare Professional, learn more about how your Veteran patients can get access to PoNS.

If you are a Veteran with MS, read how PoNS can help you Get Back In Step With Life.

Veterans With Multiple Sclerosis. National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
Multiple Sclerosis Centers of Excellence. VA U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Updated December 14, 2023.
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No serious adverse events related to the PoNS device were reported in the MS RCTs or in use in clinical rehabilitation settings to treat balance and gait disorders.

Some individuals have reported headaches, fatigue, and excess salivation. Excess salivation during training sessions often occurs but generally improves as patients get used to wearing the mouthpiece.

The PoNS® device is indicated for use as a short term treatment of gait deficit due to mild to moderate symptoms from multiple sclerosis and is to be used as an adjunct to a supervised therapeutic exercise program for adults 22 years of age and over by prescription only.

The PoNS® device delivers electrical stimulation directly to the surface of the tongue. Precautions for use are similar to those for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS).

Electrical stimulation should not be used:

  • If there is an active or suspected malignant tumor
  • In areas of recent bleeding or open wounds
  • In areas that lack normal sensation

The PoNS® has not been tested on, and thus should not be used by individuals who are pregnant. Do not use the PoNS® if you are sensitive to nickel, gold or copper.

Use with caution
Electrical stimulation should only be used after seeking professional medical advice, and with caution in patients with any of the following:

  • Implanted electronic devices, including:
    • Cardiac pacemakers
    • Cardioverter defibrillators
    • Deep Brain Stimulators
    • Vagal Nerve Stimulators
    • Sacral nerve stimulators
    • Cochlear Implants
  • Metal in the mouth (e.g. piercings, braces, retainers, or other orthodontic appliance)
  • Seizure disorders
  • Epilepsy

Ready to get started with PoNS?

Patients who are seeking more information on how to get PoNS can email us at [email protected], or fill out our contact form: