Commitment to PoNS® = Improvements in Gait for People With MS
Multiple sclerosis (MS) affects people in various ways, but for many, difficulties with gait and walking ability are the most challenging aspects of the condition. In fact, more than 70% of people with MS experience issues with their gait (ability to walk)—a function so fundamental that it influences nearly every aspect of daily life. But improving a gait deficit due to MS can be challenging—and the typical answers might not lead to sustained improvements.
Consider this: The ability to walk starts in the brain—and sustained improvement is possible when therapy starts there, too.

Individual results and experiences may vary. Talk to your doctor to see if PoNS is right for you.
PoNS® induces neuroplasticity, allowing your brain to rehabilitate the pathways needed for improved walking ability.
PoNS: A neuromodulation therapy that triggers a flow of neural impulses to the brain structures that control gait
PoNS, short for Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator, is a device that activates cranial nerves via translingual electrical neuro-stimulation (TLNS) therapy, which has been shown to improve gait deficit in people with MS.
The effects of PoNS were observed in the PoNSTEP study, which provides the first clinical evidence of the positive and sustained therapeutic effects of PoNS Therapy® on gait improvement in individuals living with MS. The study not only reinforced the connection between gait improvement and PoNS Therapy, it also highlighted the importance of adherence to PoNS Therapy for achieving sustained therapeutic outcomes.
Participants in the PoNSTEP study who adhered most closely to their PoNS Therapy plan saw bigger improvements in their gait.
PoNSTEP: What we did
The PoNSTEP study enrolled 43 people with gait deficit due to mild-to-moderate MS. Each day for 14 weeks, participants received:
100-120 minutes of TLNS with the PoNS device

in combination with
Physical rehabilitation for gait and mobility impairment
The study had two phases, reflective of the PoNS recommended dosing schedule. A total of 38 people completed both phases.
Phase 1
Participants received 2 weeks of supervised PoNS Therapy—TLNS with the PoNS device and physical therapy
Phase 2
Participants completed 12 weeks of PoNS Therapy independently, at home
The PoNSTEP study set out to establish whether adherence to PoNS Therapy in Phase 2 is associated with improvement in Dynamic Gait Index (DGI) scores for people with MS.
PoNSTEP: What we learned
- Participants who maintained a strong adherence to PoNS Therapy (meaning that they consistently followed their therapy plan) in Phase 2 had statistically significant average improvement in DGI
- A direct relationship between adherence to PoNS Therapy and improvement in DGI scores was also shown
- The average adherence during Phase 2 was 67%. At week 14, participants had improved their DGI scores by an additional 2.8 points over the additional 2.2 points achieved by the end of Phase 1 (week 2)
- In contrast to Phase 1, improvement in Phase 2 DGI was significantly impacted by adherence to PoNS Therapy
More results
50% of participants who maintained 85-100% adherence to PoNS Therapy saw an improvement of nearly 7 points in DGI scores
74% of those who maintained 70% adherence gained at least a 4-point improvement in DGI scores from baseline to end of treatment
Putting it all together

“The PoNSTEP study provides compelling evidence on how, with any self-directed at-home physical therapy activity, adherence can significantly determine how much functional improvement any patient can achieve,” says Antonella Favit-VanPelt, M.D., Chief Medical Officer at Helius, the maker of PoNS. “We are encouraged to see the meaningful gait deficit improvements in patients who were consistently compliant with their therapy regimen.”
Dr. Antonella Favit-VanPelt, MD, PhD
Chief Medical Officer at Helius Medical Technologies
Because better treatment adherence is linked to better outcomes, PoNS Therapy offers people living with MS a powerful tool to take control of their journey. With PoNS, you choose confidence—the confidence that committing to PoNS Therapy allows you to Get Back In Step With Life.