For general inquiries, call 1 877-564-0008 or [email protected]. Fax PoNS device prescriptions to 1 (215) 754-4903.

ResPoNSible for Helping People Living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Improve Their Gait

Is MS responsible for a change in your ability to walk? You’re not alone. Over 70% of people with MS experience gait deficit or difficulty walking.

It is common for people living with MS to work with a physical rehabilitation specialist to treat these struggles with mobility. However, the benefits of physical therapy (PT) alone may reach a plateau and people with MS want more improvement. Or they may want access to the latest options available to enhance PT.

That’s where PoNS® comes in. PoNS, short for Portable Neuromodulation Simulator, is an innovative, easy-to-use, orally applied therapy that stimulates the brain. Combined with physical rehabilitation exercise, PoNS can significantly improve mobility—to help keep people with MS both active and independent.

Helius Medical is working with physical rehabilitation specialists across the US to bring the benefits of PoNS Therapy™ to a clinic near you. PoNS therapy can be completed in the clinic or at home.

PoNS Therapy for treating gait deficit
Maybe you’ve heard a little about neuromodulation therapy or brain stimulation therapy. Here’s how PoNS Therapy works:
  1. PoNS consists of a controller and a mouthpiece. The controller sits around the neck, while the mouthpiece rests on the tongue. The mouthpiece has electrodes that will send mild electrical impulses through the tongue (a sensation that feels like drinking a carbonated beverage), stimulating the two cranial nerves that connect the tongue to the brainstem.
  2. These neural impulses travel to the cerebellum, also known as the body’s movement control center.
  3. From there, the impulses travel throughout the brain and activate neurons and structures involved in human function.
  4. Activating these neurons while participating in physical rehabilitation exercises initiates a cascade of changes in multiple brain regions. This has been proven to help those with mild to moderate MS symptoms improve their mobility over the course of 14 weeks.

If you need help starting a conversation about PoNS with your doctor or physical rehabilitation specialist, take the Rate Your Gait quiz or download the Doctor Discussion Guide to get on the right track.

Ready to get started with PoNS? There are multiple ways to take the next step:

There are dozens of PoNS Clinics across the US, To see if there are any near you, visit: Find a Clinic.
Please note that this list is not all-inclusive. For more detailed information, please contact us using the phone number or email above.

Get Back In Step With Life. Talk to your doctor or physical rehabilitation specialist about PoNS today.

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Ready to get started with PoNS?

Patients who are seeking more information on how to get PoNS can email us at [email protected], or fill out our contact form: